Featured Speaker
Ritney Castine
Ritney A. Castine is a nationally recognized leader on matters of faith, social justice, and
community engagement. Ritney has devoted his life’s work to addressing some of society’s
most complex and pressing social issues. He’s passionate about helping people and
organizations do the most good, for the most people, in the smartest way possible. With
an expertise in strategic planning and facilitation, Ritney has a track-record of working with
organizations, small and large, to position themselves as innovative change-makers within
the communities they seek to serve. As an ordained Methodist clergyperson, Ritney
artfully blends his passion for service and humanity with mobilizing the faith community in
support of a better world.
For nearly two decades, Ritney has led initiatives across the country that educated youth and
mobilized communities around the dangers associated with drugs, tobacco, and other
substance abuse. He’s created several innovative campaigns that has empowered others to
become change agents. He has served in senior leadership positions at Truth Initiative, a
Washington, DC-based public health organization and the Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids,
overseeing youth advocacy efforts nationally and serving as a key subject matter expert on
youth engagement, and as a Program Consultant for the Center for Black Health and Equity.
Ritney has led faith-based outreach efforts related to statewide Get Out the Vote (GOTV)
campaigns, resulting in record-breaking voter turnout in Louisiana’s 2019 Gubernatorial runoff elections.
Ritney's work has been recognized nationally, and he was recently profiled by Black
Enterprise Magazine as one of the top 100 BE Modern Men for 2017, a program that
recognizes men of color who have done or are doing exceptional work within their
communities, within their respective industries and/or globally.